Exhibitions & More




Project start “CityX - Me, Swansea”, drawing actions in various districts of the City Swansea in Wales, UK

Project start “CityX - Ich, Kaiserslautern”, drawing actions in various districts of the City Kaiserslautern, Germany

Museum Pfalzgalerie Kaiserslautern presentation of the results of “CityX - Ich, Kaiserslautern”, Germany

Solo exhibition “CityX - Unë, Tiranë”, Gallery of Arts in Shkodra, Albania

Solo exhibition “CityX - Unë, Tiranë”, GAT Tirana Art Gallery, Albania

CityX goes digital - NFT’s on Vigee Art Marketplace: https://app.vigee.art/#/marketplace

Group exhibition “Ikon/Ikone/Kultbild”, Designhaus Darmstadt, Germany

Group exhibition “Tutti Frutti”, Städtische Galerie Ostfildern, Germany

Starting “Wir, EO” / Art project with the business association EO, Frankfurt, Germany


Project start “CityX - Unë, Tiranë”, drawing actions in various districts of Tirana, Albania

Solo exhibition “CityX - Unë, Prishtina”, Center for Narrative Practice, Prishtina, Kosovo

Salon 53177 of the Bundeskunsthalle in Bonn, project start “Me, Bad Godesberg”, drawing actions and solo exhibition, Germany

Group exhibition “Unberührt Berührt”, Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, Germany

Solo exhibition in the outdoor area “Women in Mining” GOETHE Center (CCMA), Maputo, Mozambique

Presentation “CityX - Me, Göppingen”, Boehringer Areal, Göppingen, Germany


Project start “CityX - Unë, Pristina”, drawing actions, Prishtina, Kosovo

Presentation of the collected drawings at the National Library, Prishtina, Kosovo

Project start “Stuttgart unter 21”, StadtPalais Stuttgart, Germany

Presentation of the results in the outdoor area of the StadtPalais Stuttgart, Germany

Project start “Me, Göppingen”, drawing actions, Germany

Soloexhibition “Me, Quarantine”, Gallery ABTART Stuttgart, Germany

Soloexhibition “CityX - Ich, Kempten”, Museum Zumsteinhaus Kempten, Germany

Project start and presentation “Me, Bonhoeffer”, second part, Germany


Participation as speaker, Future Forum 2021, Chicago/USA

“CityX - Me, Chicago”, Stuttgart/Chicago, Germany/USA

International Online Group Exhibition “The Color of Life Is Woman”, World

Project continuation “Me, Quarantine” - How do people cope with their respective quarantine situation in times of COVID-19?, world

Project start “Me, Bonhoeffer”, drawing performances in different parts of the city of Ostfildern, Stuttgart and other schools in Germany

Presentation of the results “Me, Bonhoeffer” in the “Theater an der Halle” November 5th and 6th, 2021, Germany

Project start “CityX - Ich, Kempten”, drawing performances in different parts of the city of Kempten, Germany

Soloexhibition of the collected drawings “CityX - Ich, Kempten” Marstall Museum Kempten, Germany


Soloexhibition “CityX - Ich, Krumbach”, Heimatmuseum Krumbach, Germany

Social Distancing Art Festival: www.sodafestival.de, world

Soloexhibition “CityX - Ich, Ostfildern”, „CityX - Signs of Stuttgart“ and drawings “Me, Quarantine”, Städtische Galerie Ostfildern, Germany

Project start “Me, Quarantine” - How do people cope with their respective quarantine situation in times of COVID-19?

Soloexhibition „CityX“, Stadtmuseum Norderstedt, Germany (postponed due to COVID-19)

Drawing performances Cityfuture in Norderstedt, Germany (postponed due to COVID-19)


Soloexhibition „CityX“ GOETHE Zentrum (CCMA), Maputo, Mozambique

Soloexhibition „CityX - Eu, Maputo“, French-Mozambican cultural center (CCFM), Maputo, Mozambique

13th Havana Bienniale 2019, Soloexhibition „CityX - Yo, Habana“ Gallery Frida Kahlo, La Habana, Cuba

13th Havana Bienniale 2019, „Yo, Habana – Qué Ahora?“ drawing performances, Havanna, Cuba

„Ich, Ostfildern“ drawing performances in the City of Ostfildern in cooperation with the City Gallery Ostfildern, Germany

„Ich, Krumbach“ drawing performances, Krumbach, Germany

Groupexhibition „Could Be“, Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, Germany

Soloexhibition “CityX” Cuban embassy Bonn, Germany


Soloexhibition „CityX - Io, Bergamo“, ex Chiesa della Maddalena, Bergamo, Italy

Soloexhibition “Der Erweiterte Blick” Kunstverein Essenheim, Germany

„CityX - Eu, Maputo“, 23.07. - 05.08.2018, Maputo, Mozambique

Drawing performances in different parts of the city of Maputo, Mozambique

Soloexhibition of the drawings Teatro Avenida, center of Maputo, Mozambique

„CityX - Io, Bergamo“, 19.03. - 27.03.2018, Bergamo, Italy

Drawing performances in different parts of the city of Bergamo

Soloexhibition of the drawings, Fantoni HUB, Bergamo, Italy

„EINBLICKE/IDEAS“, research travel of a delegation of the Cuban Ministry of Culture, Germany

Soloexhibition „CityX“, Museum Pachen, Germany


Groupexhibition „Präsenz, Kritik, Utopie“ Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, Germany

Soloexhibition „CityX - Eu, São Paulo“, Gallery ABTART, Stuttgart, Germany

„CityX - Yo, Habana“, 18.02.2017 - 06.03.2017, Havana, Cuba

Drawing performances in different parts of the city of Havana

Soloexhibition of the drawings, Centro de Desarrollo de las Artes Visuales, Old Town Havana, Cuba

Soloexhibition Town Hall Stuttgart „CityX - Signs of Stuttgart“, Germany


„CityX - Eu, Salvador“, 24.09.2016 - 04.10.2016, Brazil

Drawing performances in different parts of the city Salvador da Bahia, Brazil

Soloexhibition of the drawings, Escola de Belas Artes da Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador da Bahia, Brazil

MANIFESTA 11, Bienniale of Contemporary European Art, „CHARTLOVESONG“ with Sisu Lustig Häntsche, Cabaret Voltaire Zürich, Switzerland

Groupexhibition „Suezzo“ Kunstverein Schwetzingen, Germany

art Karlsruhe, Galerie ABTART - Ausstellung CityX, Karlsruhe, Germany

“CityX - Ich, Jenesien“ (Scholarship „HOCH OBEN IN DEN BERGEN), Italy


„Action Space“ Performance „Do not algorithe me!“, Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, Germany

Groupexhibition 2015. Weitblick, Stadthaus Ulm, Germany

Soloexhibition „CityX - Ich, Ulm“, 32 prints and 2400 drawings, Cathedral tower anniversary Ulmer Münster, Germany

“Die Nacht Im Werk8”, „CityX“, IW8 Stuttgart, Germany

„Pikträt, CityX - Ich, Berlin, Eu, Rio“, Soloexhibition ATRIUM Berlin, Germany


„CityX - Ben, Istanbul“, drawing performances, Turkey

Soloexhibition „CityX - Signs of Stuttgart / Eu, Rio, Kulturamt Stuttgart, Germany

Groupexhibition 2041 2014 ENDLOSSCHLEIFE, Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, Germany

„CityX - Ich, Berlin“, drawing performances Berlin, Germany

paraflows.9: „INTIMACY“ - „If you are not where am I?“, Wien, Austria

„CityX - Signs of Stuttgart“, drawing performances in different parts of the city of Stuttgart, Germany

„CityX - Ich, Ulm“, cathedral tower anniversary Ulm, Germany

Drawing performances in all parts of the city of Ulm, Germany

Soloexhibition Graphothek Berlin and Fontane Haus, „CityX - Ich, Berlin“ and „Über das digitale Ich und Ich, Berlin“, Germany

„CityX - Signs of Stuttgart“, Drawing-Performances in different parts of the city of Stuttgart, Germany

„JUST“, „CityX - Signs of Stuttgart“, Stuttgart, Germany

„CityX - Eu, São Paulo“, São Paulo, Brazil

Drawing performances in the context of the German Year 2013/14 in Brazil

Groupexhibition „DER BLICK ZURÜCK NACH VORN“, 10 years Gllery ABTART Stuttgart, Germany


Festival Ars Electronica „Total Recall - The Evolution Of Memory“, Linz, Austria

Groupexhibition „Das Antlitz! The Visage!“, Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, Germany

Art Alarm, Gallery ABTART Stuttgart, Germany

Soloexhibition „Eu, Rio“, Gallery ABTART Stuttgart, Germany

Soloexhibition Monument Art Gallery, Jettingen-Scheppach, Germany

„CityX - Signs of Stuttgart“, drawing performances in different parts of the city of Stuttgart, Germany


CRIO Bienniale in Rio de Janeiro, „CityX - Eu, Rio“, Brazi

Drawing performances, CRIO Biennale, Brazil

Stuttgart Night, Soloexhibition and „Pikträtsitzung“, Haus der Wirtschaft, Germany

FUKS Project: „WANTED“, Württembergischen Kunstverein Stuttgart, Germany

Ich, Stuttgart „CityX - Signs of Stuttgart“, Haus der Geschichte Stuttgart, Germany


Soloexhibition Artspace Graphothek, in the context of the opening of the new library in Stuttgart “Mailänder Platz”, Germany

Groupexhibition „Urban Life“, Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, Germany


Lange Nacht der Museen „Pikträtsitzung“, Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, Germany

Groupexhibition „Art and Society“, Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, Germany


Soloexhibition Ulmer Kunststiftung Pro Arte, Germany

Soloexhibition Orgel Art Museum, Windesheim, Germany


Soloexhibition and „Pikträtsitzung“ Kunstverein Bobingen, Germany


Groupexhibition CAMAC, Marnay sur Seine, France

Groupexhibition Haus der Kunst, Munich, Germany

Groupexhibition Künstlerbahnhof Ebernburg, Germany


1. Soloexhibition Galerie ABTART, Stuttgart, Germany