Me, Quarantine

Me, Quarantine

Art project 2020-2021

In the fight against the spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, the freedom of movement of citizens around the world was drastically restricted. Most people are suddenly supposed to spend most of their time at home. Childrencould not go to school or play with their friends, adults could not go to work because they had to look after their children or because their employer has had to close his shop. Countless citizens suddenly worked in the home office and older people were no longer allowed to come into contact with other people at all. How did they cope with these new circumstances? How did they experience this often difficult situation? The artist Doris Graf was interested in this and was starting another participatory art project called “Me, Quarantine”, in which, similarly to her previous project “CityX”, she was asking people for a drawing that describes this condition.

The project was funded by a grant from the Baden-Württemberg Ministry for Science, Research and the Arts.

“Me, Quarantine”, drawings 2020-2021

Soloexhibition “Me, Quarantine”, Gallery ABTART, 2021, Stuttgart, Germany

Soloexhibition “Me, Quarantine”, Gallery ABTART, 2021, Stuttgart, Germany

Link to all collected drawings:

Drawings “Me, Quarantine”


According to a so-called artistic appropriation process, Doris Graf used the collected drawings to develop similar to cityX 17 pictographic visualisations.

Piktogramm "System Relevant"
System Relevant
Piktogramm "Weight Training"
Weight Training
Piktogramm "Window to the World"
Window to the World
Piktogramm "Social Distancing"
Social Distancing
Piktogramm "Death"
Piktogramm "Triage"
Piktogramm "Regeneration"
Piktogramm "Fear"
Piktogramm "Starless Night"
Starless Night
Piktogramm "Panic Buying"
Panic Buying
Piktogramm "My Home My Castle"
My Home My Castle
Piktogramm "Great Depression"
Great Depression
Piktogramm "Corona Party"
Corona Party
Piktogramm "Captivity"
Piktogramm "Holiday on Terracy"
Holiday on Terracy
Piktogramm "At Home"
At Home
Piktogramm "Divided Society"
Divided Society